Are you talking about Arrow Air Flight 1285R? I know of that flight because the investigation was so poorly done by the CASB (Canadian Aviation Safety Board), that Canada was forced to shut them down and create the TSBC (Transportation Safety Board of Canada) to replace them. It was a really big deal.
It was determined that the flight, which was on its way to Kentucky, had a very thin layer of ice on the wings. However, some in the CASB didn't believe such a thin layer of ice could crash a plane, and they determined it must have been an onboard explosion. They testified to such to the United States Congress.
Four years later, Air Ontario Flight 1363 crashed in nearly identical circumstances. The 1985 investigation of the Arrow Air crash was blamed for the delay in updating deicing guidelines because they hadn't agreed ice was the cause.
Canada lost confidence in the CASB and it was disbanded. Later, it was replaced by the TSBC.
If this is the crash you're talking about, the timeline is right to suspect Ollie North shenanigans, but not the location/circumstances. We know those soldiers were training at a base in Canada (lots of witnesses) and we know they were headed back home to their base in Kentucky. We also know that a thin layer of ice on the wings caused it to crash right after takeoff ... not any weapons or explosive devices.