Way back in the 80s or early 90s, there was an episode of Unsolved Mysteries which featured a father with an explosive temper. This took place sometime in the 1950s IIRC. Everything came to a head when he was having dinner with his family and he tried to cut a piece of food, and the utensil slipped. He threw his plate of food at the wall and instantly went from being calm to being a raving, murderous lunatic, chasing his daughters through the house with a butcher knife while yelling "Here kitty kitty..". He then starts stabbing and slashing up a recliner and then the police and "white coats" burst through the front doir, and take the man down, and start wrapping him up in cloth hospital bandages like a mummy to restrain him.
I'm sure this was a "Lost Loves" segment, because I remember the family got split up after this and the daughters were trying to find each other in adulthood.
I've been trying to use Google with every keyword and combination thereof I could think of to find this episode with no luck.
If someone else remembers this episode and could tell me which season/episode number it would be appreciated.