Yeah, Son of Sam is interesting. One thing I find most interesting is how BAD he was at actually being a serial killer. He killed 6 people, God rest their souls, and wounded 7. I care very much about all of his victims ... but that's a 46% success rate. Hardly a prolific or cunning serial killer.
In the 1990s, David started recanting his confession and putting the blame on a Satanic cult. The evidence doesn't support that. Police say it's entirely possible he knew a cult (there were many floating around NY in the 1970's) all the evidence points to him acting alone.
The numerous psychologists, FBI agents, and investigators who interviewed Berkowitz (for months) at the time, all agree we was too introverted to even become a cult member. He was also able to walk investigators, step by step, though every attack with 100% accurate detail. (That's when he thought he'd get his insanity plea by blaming the neighbor's dog). What an idiot.
The truth of David Berkowitz is that he was a clumsy, selfish, (probably) mentally ill person who ran around, for about a year, shooting at innocent kids who didn't know to be afraid of the world. Then he was caught by a dog walker.
He's interesting to me because he's such an unremarkable predator.
Maybe your grandma knew Joanne Lomino? She was shot in her spine and had to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. I'm not sure what the extent of her paralysis was. She and her girlfriend were only in high school. It's so sad. I feel furious for all his victims; those who survived and those who didn't. It's honestly infuriating.
David doesn't scare me, I honestly just feel annoyed by him.
John Wayne Gacy ... now THERE is a scary dude. How do you pull off being one of the most popular, successful, well-liked guys in town, WHILE hiding the corpses of 26 teenages on your tiny property? He said when he ran out of space - he just started "chucking them" in the river. No one is sure how many kids he killed, they just know it's at least 33. He was never sorry. Even when it would have benefited him to lie, and just say he was sorry, he couldn't/wouldn't do it.
That's the kind of person who scares me.
Are you talking about Arrow Air Flight 1285R? I know of that flight because the investigation was so poorly done by the CASB (Canadian Aviation Safety Board), that Canada was forced to shut them down and create the TSBC (Transportation Safety Board of Canada) to replace them. It was a really big deal.
It was determined that the flight, which was on its way to Kentucky, had a very thin layer of ice on the wings. However, some in the CASB didn't believe such a thin layer of ice could crash a plane, and they determined it must have been an onboard explosion. They testified to such to the United States Congress.
Four years later, Air Ontario Flight 1363 crashed in nearly identical circumstances. The 1985 investigation of the Arrow Air crash was blamed for the delay in updating deicing guidelines because they hadn't agreed ice was the cause.
Canada lost confidence in the CASB and it was disbanded. Later, it was replaced by the TSBC.
If this is the crash you're talking about, the timeline is right to suspect Ollie North shenanigans, but not the location/circumstances. We know those soldiers were training at a base in Canada (lots of witnesses) and we know they were headed back home to their base in Kentucky. We also know that a thin layer of ice on the wings caused it to crash right after takeoff ... not any weapons or explosive devices.