- 1987 Jane Doe
- 1990 Jane Doe
- 1993 John Doe
- 48 Hours
- A.J. Breaux
- A Current Affair
- Aaron Anderson
- Acton Campground
- Ada Constance Kent
- Adam's Treasure
- Adam Emery
- Adam Hecht
- Adolph Altuve
- Aeileen Conway
- Agatha Christie
- Agustin Mendoza
- Ahmed Kandil
- Aimee Willard
- Al Tom and Ricky Nelson
- Alabama
- Alamo Treasure
- Alan Golder
- Alan Verl Sneed
- Albert DeSalvo
- Albert Leon Fletcher
- Albert Wong
- Alberta Elaine Schambier
- Alejandro Espinoza
- Alene Courchesne
- Alex Cooper
- Alex Kelly
- Alexander
- Alexander Olive
- Alexander Rorke
- Alicia Griffin
- Alicia Showalter Reynolds
- Alie Berrelez
- Allie Ingrid Trigg
- Alonzo Brooks
- Alvaro Zapata
- Amadeo Marcelo
- Amal and Wafa Abdallah
- Amanda Antoni
- Amanda Kay Jones
- Amanda Tusing
- Amazon Women
- Amber Crum
- Amber Jackson
- Amber Swartz
- Amelia Earhart
- American Justice
- America’s Most Wanted
- Amina and Belel Kandil
- Amtrak Derailment
- Amy Billig
- Amy Bradley
- Amy Mihaljevic
- Amy Wroe Bechtel
- Andolina Gonzalez
- Andre Bryant
- Andre Jones
- Andre Wilson
- Andy Cook
- Angela Bugay
- Angela Cummings
- Angela Freeman
- Angela Hammond
- Angeline Dewey
- Angelo Desideri
- Angie Housman
- Anita Green
- Ann Corricelli and Lena Marie Wilson
- Ann Kibalo
- Ann Sigmin and Garey Goff
- Anna Anderson
- Annie Currie
- Annie Doe
- Annie Hearin
- Annika Flodin
- Anthonette Cayedito
- Anthrax Killer
- Antonio Castro
- Antonio Moses
- Antranik Geuvjehizian
- Apartment 14 Ghost
- April 1990 Jane Doe
- April Gregory
- Aranza Ochoa-Lopez
- Area 51
- Arkansas Highway Stalker
- Armando Garcia
- Arnold Archambeau and Ruby Bruguier
- Art Silva
- Arthur Frankford
- Arthur Jones
- Arthur Lloyd
- Arthur Lopez Jr.
- Arthur Washington Jr.
- Astarte Davis
- Atlanta/Spokane Bomber
- Audrey Santo
- August 1987 Jane Doe
- Avery Norris
- Aziz Khan
- Baby Jane Doe 2013
- Ball Cemetery
- Bannack Treasure
- Barbara Jean Horn
- Barbara and Patricia Grimes
- Baron 52
- Barry Silverman
- Bashir Kouchacji
- Beale's Treasure
- Bear Brook Remains
- Beaty Castle
- Becky Terry
- Belgium UFO
- Benjamin Baker
- Benjamin Studer
- Benny Franklin Miller
- Berkeley County Deaths
- Berkshire UFO
- Bermuda Triangle
- Bernard Bueche
- Bernie and Calvin Seaton
- Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum
- Betty Field
- Betty Jane McClellan
- Betty Landers
- Beverly McGowan
- Beyond Belief
- Bianca Piper
- Bicycle Bandit
- Bigfoot
- Bike Path Rapist
- Bill Henderson
- Bill Roberts
- Bill and Cynthia Zelinski
- Bill and Dorothy Wacker
- Bill and Peggy Stephenson
- Billie and Joey Rogers
- Billy Hainline and Dennis Decker
- Billy Ray Sisson
- Black Hope
- Blair Adams
- Blake Hocken
- Blas Canedo
- Blind River Killer
- Blinking Crucifix
- Blue Ridge Savings Murders
- Bo Tanner
- Bob Dozier and John Russell
- Bobbi Parker
- Bobbie Oberholtzer and Annette Schnee
- Bobby Fuller
- Bobby Smith
- Bonnie Craig
- Bonnie Haim
- Bonnie Wilder
- Boo
- Boston Rapist
- Boston Strangler
- Boynton Beach Robber
- Brad Bishop
- Bradley Dale Ross II
- Brandon Fagan
- Brandon Lee
- Brayman Road Attacker
- Brazos River Attackers
- Brenda Penniger and Nadine Castelle
- Brian Brophil
- Brian Foguth
- Brian Halloran
- Brittany Morgan Nunn and Peter Barr
- Brook Baker
- Brooker Maltais
- Bruce Bradney
- Bruce Kelly
- Bruce and Rosa
- Bruno and Bobo
- Brushy Bill Roberts
- Brushy Bill Roberts Timeline
- Bryan Mace
- Bryan Nisenfeld
- Buckskin Girl
- Budd Hopkins
- Buffalo Jim
- Bugsy Siegel
- Burrowing Burglars
- Butch Cassidy
- Butch Knight
- Butcher Of Kingsbury Run
- Byron Page
- C.W. Roddy
- CJ and Billy Vosseler
- Cachimba
- Caddy
- Calder Field Serial Murders
- Cam Lyman
- Canada Crop Circles
- Candice Rogers
- Candice and Sharina Berry
- Candy Belt and Gloria Ross
- Candy and Roxy
- Captain D's Murders
- Cara Knott
- Carl Alfred Eder
- Carl Evan Yancey
- Carl McWilliams
- Carl Weiss
- Carl and Mary Dennie
- Carla Wright
- Carlina White
- Carlos Alvarez
- Carlos Berdeja
- Carlos Garcia
- Carmen Charneco
- Carol Ann Riley
- Carol Montecalvo
- Carol Montrose
- Carol Parrish and Juelle
- Carolyn Hebert
- Carolyn Killaby
- Carolyn Reynolds
- Carrie Culberson
- Carson Prince
- Caruso Sisters
- Case-Files
- Casefiles
- Cassidy Senter
- Catherine Greig
- Catherine Malcolmson
- Catherine Webb
- Catherine and James Durkin
- Cathy Ferner
- Cathy Ford
- Cawood Burglary
- Ceara O'Connell
- Cecelia Ortega
- Cecilia Newball and Rene Perez Jr.
- Celina Mays
- Chad Langford
- Chad Maurer
- Chaim Weiss
- Chair of Death
- Chalice Paul
- Champ
- Chance Wackerhagen
- Chandra Levy and Joyce Chiang
- Chansami and Abby Thammavong
- Charita Harding
- Charlene Richard
- Charles Austin
- Charles Ewing
- Charles Horvath
- Charles Morgan
- Charles Mule
- Charles Nungesser and Francois Coli
- Charles Shelton
- Charles Southern Jr.
- Charles Vosseler
- Charles Warren Boomer
- Charles Wickman
- Charles Wilson Chester
- Charles and Christopher Smith
- Charlie Anderson
- Charlie Ross
- Charlotta Burian
- Charlotte Pollis
- Chase Bowman
- Chelsea Small
- Cherie Barnes
- Cherrie Mahan
- Cheryl Holland
- Cheryl Kenney
- Chevy Chase Bandit
- Chloie Leverette and Gage Daniel
- Chris Jenkins
- Christene and Nick Skubish
- Christi Nichols
- Christi and Bobby Baskin
- Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter
- Christina Umowski
- Christine Mirzayan
- Christophe Day
- Christopher Abeyta
- Christopher Dansby
- Christopher Fulmer
- Christopher Griffin
- Christopher Kurowski
- Christopher Sloan
- Christopher and Lisa Zaharias
- Chrystal Didonato and Jessica Abraham
- Chuck Bucrzinski
- Chuck Smith
- Chucky McGivern
- Chupacabras
- Church Arsonist
- Cindy James
- Cindy Song
- Cindy Wismiller
- Circleville Writer
- City Confidential
- Clarence and Geneva Roberts
- Claude Dallas
- Claudia Kirschhoch
- Clay Taylor
- Clayton Waagner
- Clifford Sherwood
- Cognitech
- Cokeville Elementary School Explosion
- Cold Case Files
- Colette, Kimberley, and Kristen MacDonald
- Colleen Reed
- Colleen Wood
- Collette Peters
- Connecticut River Valley Killer
- Connie Helton and Donald Hanes
- Connie Jo Hamilton
- Conradina Olson
- Contributing
- Coral Polge
- Corey Edkin
- Corey Scherbey
- Covewood Lodge
- Cowboy Bandit
- Cozette Hansen
- Craig Pritchert and Nova Guthrie
- Craig Walker
- Craig Williamson
- Crash and Dash Robberies
- Crazy Glue Bandit
- Crystal Spencer
- Cullen Ellingburgh
- Curtis Merworth
- Curtis Pishon
- Curtis Watson
- Cynthia Anderson
- Cynthia Armistead
- Cynthia Jabour
- Cédrika Provencher
- D.B. Cooper
- Dale Hyde
- Dale Kerstetter
- Dale Williams