Season 16 is the 16th season of Unsolved Mysteries that aired on Netflix. It consisted of 12 episodes. It aired from July 1, 2020 and is still airing.
Season 16 (2020)[]
Volume 1[]
First Released: July 1, 2020
Mystery on the Rooftop[]
- Mystery: Rey Rivera
13 Minutes[]
- Murder: Patrice Endres
House of Terror[]
- Wanted: Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès
No Ride Home[]
- Mystery: Alonzo Brooks
Berkshires UFO[]
- Legend: Berkshire UFO
Missing Witness[]
- Lost: Lena Chapin and Gary McCullough
Volume 2[]
First Released: October 19, 2020
Washington Inside Murder[]
- Murder: Jack Wheeler
Death in Oslo[]
- Mystery: Jennifer Fairgate
Death Row Fugitive[]
- Wanted: Lester Eubanks
Tsunami Spirits[]
- Legend: Ishinomaki Ghosts
Lady in the Lake[]
- Mystery: JoAnn Romain
Stolen Kids[]
- Lost: Christopher Dansby and Shane Walker
- Missing Children Roll Call; Lost: Andre Bryant/Cherie Barnes/Amber Crum/Corey Edkin/Desiree Carroll/Ke'Shaun Vanderhorst/Aaron Anderson/Christopher Abeyta
Volume 3[]
Part 1[]
First Released: October 18, 2022
Mystery at Mile Marker 45[]
- Mystery: Tiffany Valiante
Something in the Sky[]
- Legend: Lake Michigan UFO
Body in Bags[]
- Wanted: Tammy Williams
Part 2[]
First Released: October 25, 2022
Death in a Vegas Motel[]
- Mystery: Buffalo Jim
Paranormal Rangers[]
- Legend: Stan Milford and Jon Dover
What Happened to Josh?[]
- Lost: Josh Guimond
- Mystery: Chris Jenkins
Part 3[]
First Released: November 1, 2022
Body in the Bay[]
- Mystery: Pat Mullins
The Ghost in Apartment 14[]
- Legend: Apartment 14 Ghost/Lost: Marliz Spannhake
Abducted by a Parent[]
- Lost: Amina and Belel Kandil and Aziz Khan
- Wanted: Ahmed Kandil and Rabia Khalid
- Missing Children Roll Call: CJ and Billy Vosseler/Luis Alderete-Martinez/Huaiyu and Binyu Chin/Kayla Unbehaun/Reuben Blackwell Jr./Tammy and Diego Flores/ Christopher and Lisa Zaharias
- Parental Abductor Roll Call: Charles Vosseler/Regina Martinez/Foong Chin/Heather Unbehaun/Reuben Blackwell Sr./Francisco Flores/Susan Zaharias
Volume 4[]
First released: July 31, 2024
Who was Jack the Ripper?[]
- Legend: Jack the Ripper
Body in the Basement[]
- Mystery: Amanda Antoni
The Severed Head[]
- Mystery: Economy Borough Jane Doe
Murder, Center Stage[]
- Murder: Sigrid Stevenson
The Mothman Revisited[]
- Update: Legend: Mothman