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I was born October 10, 1940 in Memphis,TN. My Mother put me in this home because she had no other option. She had to work to pay for someone to take care of me until she saved enough money to pay for a house, which she did buy when I was 5 years old. By then she had married a man in the Army and he adopted me in 1943. He was released from the Army when the war was over and we all moved into that house and i started school soon. This man was not my real Father, but I didn't know this until I was 50! My Mother told my new Father that Georgia Tann had approched her to buy me for quite a lot of money , but she refused.I have a few pictures of me meeting with him at the Tann's house, out in the yard. A while before that, I have a picture of a little boy that lived near me, that I played with. I don't know if he was from that Tann house or not. Shirley Patti4450 Princeton Rd.Memphis,TN 38117901 305 61909/10/2016 (moved by Thor2000 (talk) 19:02, September 11, 2016 (UTC))
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Timothy Quine was adopted By Hollywood's Richard Quine and Jan Peters in !946 from Tennessee Children's Home society. He died in 2007 without ever finding his Bio parents.
This is a tragic adoption story as he never had any closure with the parents who adopted him or his bio parents and he died in despair and anger, leaving a daughter who has no ideal of who or what she came from
h Justice never came for this adoptee or his Child. Someone knows his story and it needs to find the light of truth. (Moved by Thor2000 (talk) 17:59, September 21, 2017 (UTC))